The MSc in Materials and Nanotechnology provides students with a well balanced combination of:

  • lectures with basic and foundational contents of Materials Engineering and Physics and Chemistry of the Matter, mostly concentrated in the First Year;
  • lectures with advanced contents intended to give a highly specialized formation in the different disciplines involved in the programme. 

Three distinct study tracks (curricula) are offered: Advanced Materials, Biomaterials, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. A fourth curriculum is presently operated, reserved to participants in the Erasmus Mundus BIOPHAM programme.

Curricula comprise:

  • compulsory courses (21-27 CFU, one CFU is an individual lecture credit, corresponding to one ECTS);
  • groups of choices between different courses (51-57 CFU);
  • free choice courses (up to 12 CFU);
  • a final thesis work (30-42 CFU). 

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You can find a pdf table showing the whole structure of the study track for every curriculum here. If you are interested in having a look at the syllabus and other info on individual courses, you can click on the "prog" links on the table, that will bring you directly to the Course Catalogue site.

Students enrolled in the academic year 2023/24  must refer to the pdf table linked here.

Students enrolled in the academic year 2022/23, or before, must refer to the pdf table linked here.

Study tracks are designed to ensure a formation perfectly adequate to the cultural and professional goals of the Master Degree. Nonetheless, students may ask the Study Council to approve individual variations to the study track, as well as free choice courses, outside the planned set of exams by following this procedure.

Students can find teaching materials in the moodle site of Scuola di Ingegneria, unless specified otherwise by individual lecturers. Microsoft Teams is the preferred platform for streaming and other teaching supports, when foreseen by individual lecturers.

Final exam modalities are specified for each course in the Course Catalogue repository. Students must sign up for final exams of individual courses at the Valutami web site, where they are requested also to fill the mandatory Questionario di Valutazione della Didattica.

Working students (Studenti Lavoratori) can ask for an official acknowledgment of their status by filling this form to be sent to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..