The thesis work must be approved by the Council. To this aim, as soon as you have planned the work, a specific form must be filled including the indication of work duration, or CFU weight, and sent to the
In the case your thesis work will be carried out outside the University of Pisa, you must fill an additional form, to be submitted to the
Additional information on the technical procedure concerning the final thesis can be found in the University web pages.
The final mark, given in units of 110, is evaluated by adding a final exam score (1-11 points, decided by the Thesis Committee) to the average mark of your exams, weighted by the CFU and converted in units of 110 after rounding to the closest integer.
The magna cum laude (Lode) award can be attributed, upon request by the supervisor(s) and unanimous consensus of the Thesis Committee members, to candidates showing distinctive elements of excellence in either their curriculum or the thesis work. This usually corresponds, at least, to candidates reaching a final mark above 112/110.
The thesis defense is usually organized as follows:
- slide-assisted presentation to the Thesis Commitee of the Master Thesis by the candidate (20-25 min);
- questions and answers session;
- deliberation of the final mark by the Thesis Committee;
- official proclamation according to the ritual formula.
Thesis defense is held in presence, but streaming can be organized at this Microsoft Teams channel for the sake of publicity. Either Italian or English language can be used for the discussion. Overall duration of the procedure is 40-50 min per candidate.
The Thesis Committee, composed of a minimum of six academic members, is appointed for any session and includes thesis supervisors. External members (Uditori Esterni) can be part of the Committee, as well.
Candidates will be individually contacted by the President before the defense, in order to provide the Committee with a short abstract of the thesis, the thesis document, the slides of the presentation (in either pdf or ppt format).