The Master Degree of Science in Materials and Nanotechnology at University of Pisa aims at preparing graduates with strong and advanced skills in the fields of materials and enabling nanotechnologies.
The study programme is broken into three study tracks (curricula), where design, fabrication, analysis of materials are focused onto different emerging applications:
- Advanced Materials, for engineering and industrial applications;
- Biomaterials, for applications in the wide field of biomedics and life-sciences;
- Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, for metamaterials and nanomaterials and their applications in electronics, photonics, biosensing.
A fourth curriculum, BIOPHAM, is presently operated and reserved to students involved in the Erasmus Mundus Master Programme “Bio & Pharmaceutical Materials Science”.
Cross-disciplinarity, conceived to prepare specialists with native expertise in Materials Engineering, Physics and Chemistry of the Matter, is a key and distinctive aspect of the MSc in Materials and Nanotechnology at the basis of its high attractiveness. To this aim, the MSc is operated thanks to the synergistic efforts of:
- Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Industriale (DICI), administrative responsible of the programme
- Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione (DII)
- Dipartimento di Fisica “Enrico Fermi” (FIS)
- Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale (DCCI)
- Scuola Normale Superiore, Classe di Scienze (SNS)
Our students typically own a BSc in Engineering, Physics, Chemistry and related disciplines, and are strongly motivated to acquire a deep knowledge in a variety of topics, relevant to tackle the most challenging problems in research and research and development about materials and nanotechnology, in both the industrial and academic worlds.
Admission to the MSc in Materials and Nanotechnology requires candidates to participate in a Selection Procedure.
The Master Degree belongs to the class LM-53 (Ingegneria dei Materiali) and it is part of Scuola di Ingegneria at University of Pisa. Lectures are entirely held in English. A full description of the Master Degree structure can be found in the Scheda Unica Annuale (SUA CdS).
You may find interesting to have a look at recent presentations of the programme such as:
- slides presented at Orizzonte Ingegneria event, February 6, 2025
- slides presented at Open Day at Department of Physics, May 23, 2024